NaBloPoMo – Job Searching, Plans and stuff.

I’m getting very frustrated with job searching lately. It’s been about a month-and-a-half since I moved back to the Kansas City area and I’ve been applying to all kinds of jobs, just to get off of unemployment and hopefully make enough to get my own place. If I could find a radio job, that would be great, but I’ve even been applying for non-radio jobs. So far, I haven’t even gotten so much as an interview. I’m not sure why, but it might be because I’m applying for things like retail jobs, and I have a Bachelors Degree. I am what they call “over-qualified” for those jobs.

So here’s what I’m thinking of doing. I can pretty easily save money from my unemployment, and I found a 2-week bartending class that costs about $800. When I get the $800, I’ll enroll in that, and afterward, try to get a bartending job (preferrably at a restaurant or something). I’ve been thinking about learning bartending for years just so I have some other marketable skills besides radio. So now I have the means to do so.

After I get all that squared away, I have found a few options locally to learn web design, another thing I’ve wanted to learn for a long time. My first choice is Johnson County Community College, for which I’ll have to live in Johnson County, KS, for 6 months before I start classes. That works out well because that’s where I would like to live. Just gotta make enough money to get my own place there. Hopefully I can make all that work out.

Unless, of course, I find a radio gig in which case everything I’ve just written goes out the window. If you know of or have a radio gig, there is a link to my resume and demos to the right.

~ by jeffdeboer on November 2, 2009.

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