Does this mean Vince wins?

I woke up this morning to find out that Pitch-man Extraordinaire Billy Mays died. They’re not entirely sure at this time what he died of… maybe it was all the chemicals from the cleaning products he sells. Whatever it was, you can’t deny that the dude what good at what he did. He could sell beef to a Buddhist, I swear.

I’m kind of disappointed, though. In the last several months, a sort of feud had developed between Billy Mays and Vince Offer. You may know Vince Offer as the ShamWow guy, or maybe the Slap Chop. Both products were VERY similar to things that Billy Mays sold, and I think it kind of pissed off Billy Mays. On the Adam Carolla show (before it was cancelled), he actually called out Vince and challenged him to a “pitch-off”. I really wanted to see that happen, but I guess it’s just not meant to be. Damn.

A question has come up regarding the “rule of threes” that says that celebrities die in groups of 3. In the last week, we have lost 4 celebrities. Last Tuesday we lost Ed McMahon… then on Thursday was Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Now it’s Sunday and we lose Billy Mays. So how far back does the “rule of threes” go? David Carradine died in early June, so is he grouped in with the ones we lost this week? Is it Carradine/McMahon/Fawcett, and then a new group started with Jackson/Mays/TBD? Are we going to lose one more? If Carradine doesn’t count in this group, then we should lose 2 more, right? Mays would be the start of a new trio, so who else is in for it?

I think somebody needs to sit down and define this rule a little more clearly.

~ by jeffdeboer on June 28, 2009.

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